  • Do You Know When To Call A Roofer?

  • Roofer working on house

    Knowing when to call a roofer is sometimes a matter of, “We have a leak. Call the roofer!” Calling a roofing contractor in an emergency situation, while warranted, shouldn’t be the only time to pick up the phone. If you take the time to monitor the condition of your roof (take a peek at it when you’re driving up to the house on a regular basis) a quick visual inspection will alert you to any potential problems.

    If you’re not willing to climb a ladder to inspect the roof, you may want to get on a schedule of an annual roof inspection with a local Florida roofing professional. You may find after your first inspection that the roofer will determine you only need an inspection every other year but that will depend on the condition of the roof following the first inspection.

    Here are some tips from your Florida roofing contractor on when you may want to pick up the phone and call for a roofing inspection:

    • If you notice loose or missing shingles you will want to call a roofing contractor. Check the roof, and your yard, for shingles following a rain or windstorm.
    • Are you seeing water stains on the roof deck? This is an inspection process that requires access to the attic in your home to see if you notice any water stains or signs of water damage. If you do, this is a signal that the roof is leaking and water is penetrating the shingles.
    • Do you notice tiny piles of sand-like grains in your gutters or near the downspouts? This could be a sign that the shingles are failing and that they need to be replaced.
    • Are any of the shingles raised up, as compared to the others? This could be an indication that there is inadequate attic ventilation as this can cause the shingles to blister and give the roof the appearance of having suffered hail damage.
    • A roofer will check for areas on your roof in which failures are likely to occur, around skylights, vents or chimneys. If flashing or caulk is not applied properly or has reached the end of its useful life, this could lead to roof deck damage and leaking.
    • The age of the roof, especially combined with any of the above-mentioned items, may mean it’s time to replace the roof. Many roofs are designed to last for two decades, however, some will last longer and others will fail more quickly. If your roof is nearing the two-decade mark or if your home has been subjected to particularly brutal weather conditions in the preceding years, it may be time to replace the roof.

    As with any home repair or improvement project you undertake, make certain the roofing contractor you’re working with is reputable, experienced, licensed and insured.